Let Me Properly Introduce You To This Amazing Breakthrough In Science That Shrinks And Uproots Fibroid From The Root Cell Without Regrowth And Also Aids Female Fertility 100%.
This Defensive strategy has helped thousands of Nigerian women get rid of their Fibroids growth and any related symptoms completely

This Life Saving Information Has CONTINUE To Rescue Lots Of Nigeria Women From FIBROID! To Shrink And Uproot FIBROID From The Growth Root Without Surgery; To Also Cleanse The Fallopian Tube Which Allows Easy Flow Of Eggs To The Uterus For Implantation And Kills All Kind Of Infections In The Uterus Thereby Reversing Its Consequences And Curing Permanently Fibroid Tumor.
Have you been suffering from severe complications like infertility, misconception, heavy bleeding, extreme pelvic pain especially during intercourse as a result of your fibroid tumors? Have you tried so many medications and treatment all to no avail? are you suffering from the side effect of multiple surgeries or are you scheduled for surgery? Worry no more, you are about to discover the most powerful fibroid remedy ever existed that can help you to shrink your Fibroid completely without regrowth.
Note that everything in our body is made up of cells whether normal or abnormal growths therefore fibroid tumors are also made up of cells. After these cells are shrunk, this doesn’t mean the fibroid tumor is gone. Hence this tumor is still in the body, it still gets nourishment from the body which over time the fibroid tumor feeds up and becomes a parasite again causing more damage and harm than before as mutation would have occurred (the tumor learns and adapt making it highly impossible for the medication used to shrink it before to work again).
Worse still the orthodox medications being prescribed for fibroid tumors are proven to only reduce the fibroid symptoms like excess blood loss (in order to prevent anemia) and abdominal pain etc but doesn’t have a pronounced effect on fibroid itself. And these medications have overwhelming side effects if being used for a duration of time and the most common side effect to this is Infertility. To further explain, your medications cannot heal you but can only reduce your symptoms for as long as your money can last and as far as your body can go.
The amazing news I bring to you is that this product i’m about to introduce to you which i like to call The fibroid Uprooting Bulldozer, has the ability to shrink the fibroid and then go gently to the roots where the fibroid cells are implanted to uproot it permanently from the very parent cell with absolutely no side effect. The product very capable of eradicating it from the uterus for good can only be made possible by this natural organic breakthrough In science that has the ability to treat fibroid from the root cause thereby eradicating it from the uterus for good and returns the uterus back to its normal size to function properly and effectively for the implantation and nourishment of the fertilized ovum, thereby resulting to a permanent reversal of fibroid and infertility.
Fibroids (also called leiomyomas and myomas) are growths made up of the muscle and connective tissue from the wall of the uterus. The normal size of your uterus is similar to a lemon. It’s also called the womb and it’s the place where a baby grows and develops during pregnancy. Fibroids can grow as a single nodule (one growth) or in a cluster. Fibroid clusters can range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter or even larger. For comparison, they can get as large as the size of a watermelon. These growths can develop within the wall of the uterus, inside the main cavity of the organ or even on the outer surface. Fibroids can vary in size, number and location within and on your uterus. These tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods.
They are four main types of fibroid;
- Subserosal fibroids: These are the most common type. They grow on the outside of the uterus. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.
- Intramural fibroids: These grow inside the muscular wall of the uterus. They are embedded into the wall of the uterus itself. The fibroids are growing inside this muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb, making it difficult for one to conceive.
- Submucosal fibroids: In this case, the fibroids are growing inside the uterine space (cavity) where a baby grows during pregnancy. This type of fibroid usually leads to infertility and miscarriage during pregnancy.
- Pedunculated fibroids: The least common type, these fibroids are also located on the outside of the uterus. However, pedunculated fibroids are connected to the uterus with a thin stem. They’re often described as mushroom-like because they have a stalk and then a much wider top.
Untreated fibroid grows gradually into a more severe state which results to Infertility, miscarriage during pregnancy, hormonal inbalance, Anemia (this is when your body lacks enough red blood cells to carry oxygens to your organs) which can lead to (irregular heartbeat), an enlarged heart or heart failure. You are also at greater risk of getting infections.

What Are The Symptoms Of Fibroid?
Most fibroids do not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, some can cause significant discomfort
- Heavy periods, also known as menorrhagia, which can lead to anemia
- painful periods
- lower backache or leg pain
- constipation
- discomfort or a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, especially in the case of large fibroids
- frequent urination
- pain during sexual activity, also known as dyspareunia
- chronic virginal discharge

Let Me Share This Short Story Of A Fibroid Survivor.
*please note: due permisson was taken from patient before publishing this story on this article as patient confidentiality is also part of our job.
My name is Stella Okoli. August 15th 2019 happened to be the day never to be forgotten in my life. By then my marriage was 1 year and it was few months to my 30th birthday. I don’t wish for a day of such again in my life not after the hardship and struggles i have been through in the past just to become successful. I have had delay in virtually all face of life and now i think i deserve the very best from life. But my encounter with Fibroid almost proved to me that there was nothing so enjoyable about life after all.
On that very day [ August 15th], i was at my Brother In-Laws wedding and we were at the reception when i suddenly felt this sharp pain in my pelvic area. I had this feeling few days before then as that had become the recent tradition during my menstruation. I wasn’t expecting any flow because it was already day 9 of my menstrual cycle. As embarrassing as it it would be, my whole attire was drenched in blood due to excessive flow. I was already fainting and this got everyone scared and worried in a day that is meant for celebration. I was rushed to the hospital and found myself in the emergency unit. Luckily i survived it but was already made to receive blood transfusion, by the time i regain consciousness i felt i was being ANEMIC. The Gynecologist came around with my ultrasound test results. I was so shocked when he diagnosed me of INTRAMURAL FIBROID and had multiple fibroid growing in my uterus. I almost fainted for the second time. I did not know what i had done to be punished this way. I was operated on just a year ago when after a long battle with SUBSEROSAL FIBROIDS which was just one then. The doctor suggested another surgery but immediately i declined because i never wish to go under knife again.
I was given another non-surgical option of having to lie down inside the MRI MACHINE to visualize the inside of my uterus. I was told that the high energy, high frequency sound waves will be directed at the fibroids to ablate them. I subscribed to that treatment and felt the whole thing should shrink off after that.
Few months, the Fibroid came back again and even bigger, it felt as if i was pregnant. By then i was feeling discomfort in almost everything; i urinated almost 10 times a day, my abdomen was swollen and i could not have enjoyable bed time with my husband because i always felt pain during the process. My husband and i were praying and hoping for a miracle. On 17th February 2020 my husband called me from his office that he found something out and that i should call this number 08136440787 and give him feedback. I called the number and it was Mrs Adaobi that picked up, i told her about my illness and she said she has natural supplements that can get rid of the Fibroid there by removing it from the root so that illness wont come back again, we really talked for a long time and she really explained everything to me. Since it required no surgery i gave it a trial. I stared taking the drugs immediately she sent it to me.
1 month after i discovered that i did not have heavy flow as i used to and my circle lasted for 5 days. The next month i had similar experience of normal flow again and the constant urinating stopped. I rushed to the hospital for checkup and the doctor was surprised to see that my Fibroid had reduced drastically in numbers and sizes. Around September this year i began to feel some changes in my body system again and could not see my period at due date. I was skeptical so i booked an appointment with the doctor again. I was in uncontrollable tears when he told me that my fibroids were all gone and that i was 7 weeks pregnant. I was filled with so much joy that i had to call my husband immediately to tell him this great news,I also called Mrs Adaobi to tell her the good news and she was so happy for me. I felt it is normal to reveal to you all that this Norland Products are God’s sent and i will advice all the woman that are passing through this same thing to also get the drugs and i am sure that u will have great testimonies too.

Norland Wuqing Nourishing Female Healthpad, Ginseng Cordyceps Sinensis And Norland Anion Panty Liner.
How Does Each Of This Product Help In Up Rooting Fibroid And Ovarian Cyst?
Norland Wuqing Female Healthpad

Norland Wuqing female health pad It is a combination of herbal essence and Ge ion energy, anion energy and far infrared energy technology which helps to combat chronic long-term infection and other gynecological problems. Its the best recommendation for women having fibroid, ovarian cyst, infertility, vaginal infections.
- treats irregular menses and gynaecological issues
- shrinks fibroids and corrects hormonal imbalance
- produces it’s beneficial actions in post menopausal women
- detoxifies kidney
- boosts metabolism & sexual energies
- helps in healing various urinary tract diseases
- improves sexual performance
- enhancing joy in marital life
- stops bleeding by enhancing the functions of spleen, liver and kidney channels
Ginseng Cordyceps Sinensis

Ginseng Cordyceps Sinensis made with pure ginseng herbs helps in treating All kinds of Urinary Infections.
- It builds defense against all types of infections and diseases in the uterus.
- It is anti tumor and also anti cancer.
- It also helps to remove toxins from the uterus.
- It is good for gynecological problem.
- Promotes metabolism and improves endocrine functions.
- It eliminates stubborn infections like Staphylococcus, Gonorrhea, Vaginal itching, Vaginitis, Sexually Transmitted diseases naturally.
Norland Anion Panty Liner

Anion Sanitary panty liner Is made Up of negative bio-magnetism, far infrared and anion.
- Negative anion comprises of biomagnetism, far infrared and anion.
- Eliminates menstrual cramps.
- It relieves stress.
- It promotes blood circulation.
- It promotes oxygen in the womb.
- It helps shrink tumors.
- It removes waste toxins in the uterus and nourish the ovary for long-term.
- It Purifies the blood by increasing alkalinity and balancing the ratio of certain minerals in the blood.
- It kills 99.9% bacteria in the uterus through the built in negative ion strip.
- It promotes metabolism.

This Product Is Approved By NAFDAC & Other International Bodies

You can make an order easily and pay as you receive the product
NOTE: The duration of treatment you are to use for a total reversal should be at least three months, depending on the level of severity of your fibroid.
I know you may be wondering if you will pay first before you receive this product. NO! You don’t have to pay first. Once you place an order, the items will be sent to your state and once its gets to your state our courier agent will contact you, deliver the products to you at your provided address at no extra cost.
So, once our delivery agent brings it to you. You would receive your products and pay at the point of delivery.

1 Month Treatment
N40,000 (Forty Thousand Naira)
1 Pack Of Norland Female Health Pad, 1 Bottle Of Ginseng Cordyceps And 1 Norland Panty Liner

2 Months Treatment
N70,000 (Seventy Thousand Naira) N80,000
2 Packs Of Norland Female Health Pad, 2 Bottles Of Ginseng Cordyceps And 2 Norland Panty Liner

3 Months Treatment (Most recommended)
N100,000 (One Hundred Thousand Naira) N120000
3 Packs Of Norland Female Health Pad, 3 Bottles Of Ginseng Cordyceps And 3 Norland Panty Liner

These product Combo are currently discounted so take advantage of this opportunity before the price goes back to normal.
The full package i.e The Three Months Package come with guarantee
Currently, the cost of treating fibroid through surgery in Nigeria is between N300,000 to N500,000 and when there are complications such as the need for a repeat procedure, damage to organs in your abdomen, such as your bladder or bowel, scar tissue in your abdomen, which can form bands that bind organs and tissue together and bowel or urinary problems, The cost rises to over 1 million and above. If you ask me, I’d say “this is the wise and smart thing to do”.
The Most Recommended Treatment Is the Complete Treatment Pack, You’ll Get Your Desired Result with That And You Won’t Have To Be Spending Money On This Again…
To Get The Norland Female Health Pad, Ginseng Cordyceps And Free Norland Panty Liner You Will Need To Place An Order For It.
NOTE: Please do not place your order unless you are ready to receive your products.
OR Send The Following Information Via SMS To 08136440787
- Your Name
- Your Full Delivery Address
- Specify The Number Of Bottle(s) You Are Ordering + The Product Name
- Your Choice Of Date Of Delivery
- Phone Number Of The Recipient (Provide 2 If Available)
Don’t Forget, All SMS Should be Sent to 08136440787